Ancient Solution To Health Problems

Thursday, February 13, 2020

How To Loose Weight Fast| Home Remedies to Loose Your Weight Fast| How to Reduce Weight Naturally without Gym

You Want To Wear Your Favorite Dress!Try these Proven Home Remedies to lose weight.
Weight loss

There are many ways to boost your immunity power and increase your metabolism by doing simple home remedies without going to the gym. Weight gain is of two types: body weight and body fat. Losing your body weight can automatically leads to loosening your body fat. Skipping meals doesn't help in losing weight but makes your immune system more weak than before. There is simply no shortcut or magic to reduce weight but there are some recipes and homemade natural remedies that help you reach your goal.


There are many reasons for weight gain like:
Due to growing fetus and enlargement of uterus that result in gaining extra weight during pregnancy.
Mensuration/ Periods:
Changes in the level of estrogen and progesterone during those days of the month tend to periodically weight gain.Women also experience water retention and bloating around that time of the month.
Hormonal Changes:
When menopause starts, women experience the weight gain around the tummy region and the hips due to decrease in the estrogen hormone.
Liquid Retention:
When water is absent from the body, it makes your hands, feet, limbs, face or tummy look swollen and tends to gain weight.


Green Tea:

how to loose weight with green tea

Many studies and research shows that green tea helps not only in losing weight but also increases your metabolism and body satima. Green tea contains caffeine and catechins that play an important role in weight loss. One can add flavor like lemon or honey if you don’t like the taste of green tea. Having a green tea for 3 times a day for 7 days, one can clearly see the difference and change in body. It also helps in refreshing your mood from low to high and stress to boost.

Ginger Water:

ginger tea uses

Ginger is the source to burn extra fat from the body and this is also scientifically proven as it promotes a feeling of fullness and reduces hunger. It boosts thermogenesis that assists in burning extra fat and helps in losing weight naturally.  All you need is to do simple steps to make ginger water. Garnish some ginger and add 4 cups of water and bring it to boil till when one cup is left. Add half tablespoon of honey for flavor and drink sip by sip. Drink this for consecutive 7 days and again after a break of 5 days as more consumption leads to burning or acidity.

Fennel Seed Water:

fennel seed water

The goodness of fennel seeds helps lose weight in a healthy way. All you have to do is to take one tablespoon of fennel seeds and add them in hot water and make sure that it should not boil as boiling may kill many of its nutrients. Do this for 10 days and see the difference.

Parsley Juice:

parsley water

This is the most healthy way to lose weight and this will give many benefits to the body. For this you have to do is wash one cup of parsley leaves and blend them with honey and lemon. Drink this mixture for 5 mornings and again after a break of 10 days.

Curry leaves:
curry leaves

Consuming and eating fresh washed curry leaves will cleans and removes the harmful toxins from the body. This results in naturally detoxifying the body and burning more calories which helps in weight loss. It contains anti-obesity effects.

"Consider only Home Remedies will not vanish body fat but also necessary to do simple exercise that will not take much time but only 10-15 minutes is enough. Simple home exercises include normal planks, stretching and cycling".


    tips to lose weight
  • Heavy Foods like White Bread and Pasta.
  • Frozen Foods.
  • Processed and Packed food.
  • Fast Food like burgers, Pizza etc.
  • Sugar


    weight loss tips
  • Don't skip meals
  • Keep check on diet
  • Drink more water around 8-10 glass per day
  • Practice yoga and exercise daily
  • Consume small meals at regular intervals

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